Last year's skibike get-together at the end of April 2011 was so successful, Lenz Sport Skibikes decided to host another one.
This year's rally will be held on Sunday April 29th with Saturday being reserved for any potential course work. The rally will one again include the one-run downhill on 7-Mile on the north side of Berthoud Pass. Those who feel lucky can try their turn on the 12 ft.-drop 'Big Huck'.
Food and beverages will once again be available but contributions are always welcome. Biscuit brought a big box of donuts last year if I remember correctly. Paper plates, cups, hot dogs, brats, burgers, buns, beans, plastic utensils, paper towels, etc.
Racers are encouraged to contribute to the shuttle drivers gas bill. We all know the price of gasoline lately. The shuttle trucks have to drive to Berthoud Pass from Denver in addition to the drives up and down the pass to shuttle skibikers.
Devin will need timers at the top and bottom of the downhill course. Bring a chair.
Hope everyone can attend. It was loads of fun last year. Personally I'm hoping for a repeat of all that fresh powder.
© 2012 G. Kunkel and A Colorado Skibiker Goes Skibiking. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to G. Kunkel and A Colorado Skibiker Goes Skibiking with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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